Sunday, February 4, 2018

The StoneSong Hermitage

As we have each of the last two summers, this coming June 5-10 Frank Dunn and I will facilitate an extraordinary group of spiritual and erotic explorers. Together, these men will commit as brothers to an experiment in intentional community--a covenant of peace, authentic presence, and depth.

Why are we calling it a “hermitage”? For thousands of years, men--and women--have withdrawn into the quiet of the natural world, removed from the distractions of ordinary society, to give their souls time and space to flourish.
Such seekers have been called hermits. Often they live alone. But in our communal hermitage, we’ll live together for five sweet days in safe, sacred erotic space. Free to be fully ourselves. Free to undo the toxic effects of shame. Free to become some of the change in the world that we want to see. Free to dream, believe, and want another way of being together as men. Free to support and affirm one another, even as we ourselves are supported and affirmed. Free to dedicate our time together to the repair of our souls and the healing of the world. Empowered to carry back out into our lives the riches we gain by slowing down, sinking deep, and finding treasure.
We’ll do all this through a daily practice of heart circles, times of private reflection, and personal spiritual practices built out of the deepest longings of our hearts. We’ll create communal rituals that draw us together. We’ll engage in manual labor in service to the protected land where we’ll gather, the StoneSong Nature and Awareness Center in the highlands of western Maryland. We’ll play and chill, alone and together, in a spirit of freedom that’s possible when we open our hearts to give and receive the gift of becoming home for one another.


The cost of the retreat is US$ 850, including five nights’ accommodation in a comfortable rustic setting and all meals. You can access more information and the registration form here.

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